GRAND PRIX BANK MILLENNIUM AWARD: „Apolonia, Apolonia”, dir. Lea Glob
12 films entered the Main Competition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival to vie for the Grand Prix and its accompanying EUR 8,000 prize. The best film was selected by a jury consisting of: Jonas Rasmussen - Danish-French filmmaker, creator of the film „Flee”, Grażyna Torbicka - journalist and film critic, and Mehrdad Oskouei - Iranian independent documentary filmmaker.
Justification: Grand Prix - Bank Millennium Award went to the film about art, friendship and femininity. The film, made over the course of 13 years, slowly allows us to discover how the inner world of the main character and director mirror each other. The story shown in the film becomes a story about how the presence of art in our lives can bring liberation. The film is tragic, dramatic and funny, but it never manipulates our emotions.
We are delighted to award the main prize of the 20th edition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival to ,,Apolonia, Apolonia’’ , directed by Lea Glob.
Special Mentions goes to ,,Innocence’’, dir. Guy Davidi
„Under the Sky of Damascus” by Heba Khaled, Talal Derki and Ali Wajeeh
Justification: This year's edition of the competition was full of extraordinary films, so we decided to award two special mentions.

Silesian Audience Award: “Pianoforte”, dir. Jakub Piątek
During the Silesian edition of the 20th MDAG in Katowice, twelve documentaries from all over the world were competing
in the Main Competition for the Silesian Audience Award 2023 for the director of the winning film, worth 4,000 PLN.
The sponsor of this year's Silesian Audience Award 2023 is the KSSE – Katowice Special Economic Zone.
The film that would receive the Silesian Audience Award was chosen by the audience by rating the
competition films using specially prepared voting cards handed out before the screenings.

The City Of Poznań Freedom Award: “Against the Tide”, dir. Sarvnik Kaur
This year's edition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival in Poznań was the third time that The City Of Poznań Freedom Award was presented.
From the films selected for the national Main Competition, a three-person Jury awarded the winning title that most faithfully defends the foundations
of freedom and fights for dignity and human rights through its cinematic message. The winning film received a prize of 3,000 EUR.
Jury: Mariusz Forecki – documentary photographer and author of photography books;
Paweł Pieniążek - a journalist who regularly collaborates with “Tygodnik Powszechny”;
Zuzanna Wrońska - singer, songwriter and composer.
Justification: Sarvnik Kaur's film subtly touches on many areas of everyday life that affect the lives and choices of those whose voices often remain unheard to the public.
These include globalization and its effects, social exclusion, attempts to find a balance between the desire for profit and the destruction of the natural environment.
All this is woven into the story of the friendship of two men and the everyday life of their families, which for them are a source of support, strength and hope.
Special mention: „Smoke Sauna Sisterhood", dir. Anna Hints
Justification: Off the beaten track, away from prying eyes, a group of women meet in a sauna.
It becomes a place of purification and freedom, where we leave our daily life outside to draw strength from nature, smoke, fire and water.
Sensitive and intimate, the cinematography focused on women's bodies is a pretext to tell the story of the challenge and struggle of navigating the patriarchal world.
LOWER SILESIA GRAND PRIX (Wrocław): ,,The Hermit of Treig’’, dir. Lizzie MacKenzie
W This year Lower Silesia Grand Prix was awarded for the twelfth time. The local jury consisting of: Kamil Bałuk - reporter, journalist, dr hab. (Magdalena Barbaruk - working at the Institute of Cultural Studies of the University of Wrocław and Kostiantyn Pochtar - Ukrainian musician, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, awarded the Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship PRIZE in the amount of EUR 3,000 for the best film selected from among twelve starting in the Main Competition.
Justification: For the gaze that is the essence of mindfulness. Such a form is the only possible way of showing the presence of time that works in cinema, especially in documentaries. For precision and talent that cannot be written down in a script. For a visual language that is spectacular, but not because of the perfection of the frame, but the perfection of a higher order. Perfection taking its elegance from life itself, a life well lived. For choosing a hero who is extremely free-spirited and radical yet does not push people away. On the contrary: you cannot take your eyes or your mind off of him. For treating film as a medium that is not the ultimate goal as friendship is much more important. For reminding the audience that it's about living no matter what.
THE MAYOR OF GDYNIA AWARD: ,,Under the Sky of Damascus” directed by Heba Khaled, Talal Derki, Ali Wajeeh
The Jury of the 20th Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival comprised: Magdalena Danaj - illustrator and cartoonist, Karol Starnawski- film director, Stefan Wesołowski- composer and violinist, awarded the prize for THE MAYOR OF GDYNIA AWARD in the amount of 15 000 PLN to “Under the Sky of Damascus” directed by Heba Khaled and Talal Derki.
Justification: For a moving and visually noble portrayal of contemporary women in their pursuit of empowerment and liberation from brutal oppression.
Special Mention goes to „Pianoforte”, dir. Jakub Piątek
Justification: For tenderness and empathy emanating from an impressive film form.
BYDGOSZCZ ART.DOC AWARD: ex aequo “We Will Not Fade Away”, dir. Alisa Kovalenko
“Innocence”, dir. Guy Davidi
The Bydgoszcz ART.DOC Award 2023 worth EUR 2000 was awarded to the author of the best film from the Main Competition by the jury: Bożena Januszewska - exhibition curator, arranger, scenographer and interior designer, Anna Osławska - attorney, runs a law firm in Bydgoszcz, Jakub Zalewski - director and screenwriter.
Justification: This year, we decided to divide the main award between two films that exceptionally moved us and stood out among a very impressive competition.For telling the stories of young people, children even, entangled in the evils of war, who have no choice but to submit to the brutal rules created by adults and oppressive political systems. The young heroes who are just beyond our border and who have not yet abandoned their dreams, even though at a certain stage of the film they seem more like an unrealistic piece of fiction... Their faith and determination give us hope that despite the war in the background "We will not disappear”... "Innocence" ... or rather a loss of it, leaves us for a long time with an endless question: why? Why?…
Honorary mention of the District Bar Council in Bydgoszcz for the best production dealing with the issue of human rights to a film “Theatre of Violence” by Łukasz Konopka and Emil Langballe
BEST POLISH FILM AWARD: „In the Rearview”, dir. Maciek Hamela
In the Polish Competition at the 20th MDAG, 11 films competed for the Best Polish Film Award and EUR 3,000 prize. The best was selected by the jury: Anna Tatarska – film critic, journalist, Eric Hynes – curator of the Museum of the Moving Image (MoMI) and Sirkka Möller – member of the selection committee of the Panorama section at the Berlinale.
Justification: In a world that is desensitized by cruelty and war, creating a film that moves us by showing us what we think we already know is a rare accomplishment. By stepping aside and focusing on the survivors, Maciej Hamela gives their stories and their grief a safe space in the back of the minibus that evacuates them into an unknown future. IN THE REARVIEW is an example of a simply yet effectively constructed documentary film that is non-extractive – giving back as much as it takes. Hamela reaches an honesty that does not betray his protagonists, and which is needed today maybe more than ever.
Special Mention goes to „Polish Prayers”, dir. Hanna Nobis
Justification: A remarkable debut that stays with its protagonist while he searches for his own pathway in life, a search that leads him through a series of radical transformations. By following one young man for 84 eventful yet economical minutes, director Hanna Nobis manages to capture different ends of the political spectrum, as well as myriad facets of discourse among young people in today’s Poland.
SMAKJAM AWARD FOR THE BEST PRODUCTION IN A POLISH FILM: „Pianoforte”, dir. Jakub Piątek, producer: Maciej Kubicki
The films presented in the Polish Competition had a chance to win the Smakjam Award for the Best Production - EUR 3,000 or the equivalent of this sum in the form of post-production services - awarded by the Smakjam studio. The winning film was selected by the post-production Smakjam Studio team.
Justification: We award "Pianoforte" directed by Jakub Piątek, which allows us to look behind the scenes of the Chopin Competition. Thanks to the superb directing of the musical contest world, we do not watch from the outside, but rather have a chance to share with the participants their emotions, stress, hopes and disappointments. The production scale of this film, made in several countries and preceded by impressive research, does not hide the most important thing from the creators: the characters.
The main prize is support for the promotional campaign of the winning film in cinemas in the amount of PLN 8,000. At the deliberations on 16th of May, 2023, the jury consisting of Magdalena Cichocka - Kino Bajka (Darłowo), Rafał Mościcki - Kino Meduza (Opole) and Piotr Szczyszyk - Kino Pałacowe (Poznań), unanimously decided to award the film “In the Rearview” by Maciej Hamela.
Justification: “In the Rearview” is a moving documentary about the escape of people who overnight became war refugees. The car driven by the director of the film, Maciej Hamela, turns into an asylum of sorts. Traversing hundreds of kilometers, in an act of heroic help, it becomes a space for conversations, confessions, a moment to catch a breath and even medical transport. It functions as an important reminder of the scale of the tragedy we have been witnessing since February 24, 2022. This film is a universal warning, an indictment and an extremely courageous testimony of the time of war, the dramatic situation of millions of people who are our neighbours. “In the Rearview” is a modest, precise and – most importantly – urgently needed film for all viewers in Poland, to keep remembering Ukraine more than a year after the start of Russian aggression.
BEST SHORT FILM AWARD: „Budapest Silo”, dir. Zsófia Paczolay
For the second time at the festival, the Short Film Competition was presented, the length of which does not exceed 45 minutes. Thanks to their diverse topics, they are an ideal starting point to learn about the issues developed in feature films presented at the festival. The prize in this competition is 2,000 euros and its patron is TikTok. The award was granted by the jury consisting of: Beata Pacak - selector of CANAL+ Polska and Ale kino+ channel, Emilia Mazik - freelance film programmer and Veton Nurkollari - art director of DokuFest in Kosovo.
Justification:The mysterious play of light and dark as well as silence and music guarantees a unique experience in case of the film awarded by us. Unique cinematography and atmospheric sound draw the viewer into the dark hallways and dusty spaces of the gigantic building. Despite the extreme working conditions, the hero feels at home there and remains surprisingly calm. The jury is pleased to award the film "Budapest Silo" directed by Zsófia Paczolay and Nora Ananyan.
Special mention: „Getting To Know You”, dir. Joanna Krzyżewska
Justification: Unconventional film means can be used as a therapeutic tool to help overcome fears and share deeply hidden emotions. This is exactly what happened in the film we gave a special mention to. For an engaging and intimate family portrait enriched with a social commentary on the challenges of motherhood. The jury is pleased to distinguish the film "Getting To Know You" directed by Joanna Krzyżewska.
AWARD FOR BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY: “Theatre of Violence”, dir. Łukasz Konopa, Emil Langballe, cinematographer: Kacper Czubak
The cinematographer of the film, who is awarded for the best cinematography, received EUR 2,000. The competition includes 10 titles that delight us with their visual side. The winner was selected by a jury consisting of: Małgorzata Szyłak - cinematographer, Weronika Ławniczak - photographer , and Bogdan Dziworski - cinematographer, photographer and director.
Justification: Awarded for masterfully combining craftsmanship with sensitivity, deliberate framing and excellent sense of natural light, which in effect blurred the boundaries between documentary recording and fictional creation. The award for the best cinematography is unanimously awarded to Kacper Czubak for the film ,,Theatre of Violence’’
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL POLAND AWARD: „Seven Winters In Tehran”, dir. Steffi Niederzoll
The Amnesty International Poland award and its accompanying EUR 3,000 prize is a special thanks to those who show what human rights are through their film work. The winning film was selected from among 12 nominees by a jury consisting of: Anna Błaszczak-Banasiak - director of Amnesty International Poland, Kacper Gwardecki - member of the Management Board of the Amnesty International Association, and Michał Bielawski - journalist and documentary filmmaker.
Justification: The winner of the competition for the best documentary film about human rights at the 20th Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival is "Seven Winters in Tehran" directed by Steffi Niederzoll. This deeply moving film shows cruelty and injustice as well as humanism, humanity and the depth of human emotions. "Seven Winters in Tehran" shows everything that the modern world should remember about the death penalty. The film examines violence against women, the role of the justice system and the consequences of its dysfunction, the responsibility of law enforcement agencies, violations of the prisoner rights. The director, however, manages to get a closer look on even the most traumatising experiences without making a spectacle out of violence and cruelty. It is a touching and poignant portrayal of humanity. It shines in the extraordinary transformation of the heroine, in the attitude of her mother, in the attempt at dialogue with the person on the other side of the dispute or in the conversations of the characters involved in this dramatic story. Stefi Niederzoll's film is a universal and multi-layered story that stays with the viewer long after the end credits finish rolling. Excellent directing allows the audience to immerse themselves in the film and painfully experience the helplessness on all sides. The tragedy of the situation and individuals who are forced to make dramatic decisions is clear and evident. It is a poignant, complex story in which there are no winners. Everyone loses.
Special mention: „Total Trust”, dir. Jialing Zhang
Justification: The jury’s special mention goes to the film “Total Trust'' directed by Jialing Zhang – a terrifying portrayal of the totalitarian state’s suppression and domination of its people through new technologies and Big Data. This distinction is also a form of appreciating the courage of the filmmakers. Jialing Zhang's film deals with issues extremely relevant in the modern world. It is a grim and terrifying picture of a world in which new technologies and Big Data are used in a truly dystopian manner creating new and more effective methods of people’s subjugation under the totalitarian regime in China. The director efficiently conveys the system of constant surveillance and control of every aspect of people’s lives by the authorities. It shows the dizzying stuffiness of the system. A reality in which social status, development opportunities and even social ties are regulated by a points system, and anyone who strays from their assigned path meets severe punishment. We observe how the regime chases, harasses and tries to break the lawyers, dissidents and human rights defenders. It also shows how those Orwellian methods are internalised and ordinary people are systematically programmed - or forced - into indifference. The film is a portrait of helplessness. It introduces to the audience people who do not have any freedom of choice, and the only way to escape - if the regime allows it - is emigration. Jialing Zhang's film is a grim picture of a reality that until recently seemed like an ominous prediction of the future, a nightmare that we are afraid to even dream about and from which the characters cannot wake up. Turns out, the future is already here.
The award was granted by the Andrzej Wajda Centre for Film Culture in Warsaw and its accompanying EUR 1,000 prize. The jury of the competition consisted of the director of CKF Joanna Rożen-Wojciechowska, Katarzyna Ślesicka and young participants of the SKOK w DOK program: Ada Danisz, Amelia Przybylak, Mikołaj Żukowski, Matylda Konopka, Filip Łuszczykiewicz, Hanna Kroczyńska and Natalia Kalwa.
Justification: Our verdict was unanimous. The Best Film for Young Audience Award at the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival goes to the documentary "Lyra'' directed by Alison Millar. The film evoked many emotions, leaving us with sadness on the one hand, and a sense of hope on the other. Our feelings are related to the technique used, the heroine herself and the message of the film. We found the use of flashbacks the most memorable aspect. Found footage formula, editing style and well-chosen music coherently build the mood of this film. The hero of the film and her dramatic story, which we follow from childhood, moved us deeply. This vivid portrayal introduces us to the difficult and lingering aftermath of The Troubles. The film "Lyra" is about the search for truth and how vital it is, even when it is inconvenient and difficult to achieve. It is also giving a voice to every unheard or silenced person, continuing our hero’s mission. For us, the young audience, this film is a reference to the motto of this year's festival: "Do not be indifferent".
This year, for the first time, the editors of "Newsweek Psychologia" awarded their prize for the best psychological film in the amount of 1,000 euros. The best film was chosen by jury consisting of: Iwona Zabielska-Stadnik, Delfina Dellert, Małgorzata Osowiecka, Katarzyna Burda, Łukasz Pilip and Artur Stadnik.
Justification: For a calm and confident reminder to us, in such difficult, complicated, not black and white times, what community is all about. What a great and beautiful privilege - to have each other. No judging, no guilt, no shame, that’s when we are real.
FIRST APPEARANCE AWARD: „ Crows Are White” dir. Ahsen Nadeem
The First Appearance Award and its accompanying EUR 2,000 prize was awarded by The Inter-generational Jury consisting of teenagers and people aged 55+. This year they were: Jędrzej Fotek, Barbara Izydorczyk, Izabela Krystosiak, Gabriela Nowina-Witkowska, Anna Starzewska and Franciszka Strachalska.
Justification: The Inter-generational Jury in the First Appearance Award competition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity festival decided unanimously to award the film “Crows Are White” by Ahsen Nadeem. With a timeless message in which the hero undergoes a transformation in difficult circumstances with the dominant role of religion. The film shows how precious it is to live in truth and at peace with yourself. The journey that the hero went through gave him strength and answers to the questions that bothered him the most. The film exudes positive energy accentuated by beautiful score and cinematography.
Special mention to the film: „Leon”, dir. by Wojciech Gostomczyk
Justification: The jury also decided to give out a special mention to the film "Leon" directed by Wojciech Gostomczyk for showing the extraordinary personality of the main hero and presenting transgressions both in art and in life.
CHOPIN’S NOSE AWARD: „Apolonia, Apolonia”, dir. Lea Glob
During this year’s edition of the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Festival, we have once again given out the Chopin’s Nose award and its accompanying EUR 2,000 prize to the best film about music and art.The jury consisting of: Marcin Macuk - composer, vocalist, music producer, Justyna Sobolewska - literary critic, writer and journalist of the "Polityka" weekly magazine and Karol Pałka - photographer, director, cinematographer.
Justification: For a film in which the world of art is just a pretext to tell a story about life and death, about the female experience and about the body as a source of art. For an insightful observation that spanned years and years and which resulted in a film that was not calculated but rather sewn together from random moments. It was supposed to be a semester credit yet it became a powerful and multi-layered story that leaves you breathless and shatters your soul to pieces.
GREEN WARSAW AWARD: “Against the Tide” dir. by Sarvnik Kaur
The Green Warsaw Award and its accompanying PLN 15 000 cash prize funded by the City of Warsaw was once again given to the best film on ecology.The winner was chosen by the jury consisting of: Leszek Drogosz, director of the Bureau of Infrastructure of the City of Warsaw, Natalia Koryncka-Gruz - screenwriter, director and film producer, and Jagna Niedzielska - educator, promoter of "zero waste" cuisine.
Justification: During this year’s competition for the Green Warsaw Award, we watched 8 films from all around the world. The films, on top of their artistic value, made us also reflect on the direction humanity is heading towards. Watching the competition films, we saw the world of nature in oppression. The oppressor is humanity. We wondered how it is possible that humans, due to their ignorance, recklessness or unbridled greed, so often make decisions leading to destruction of the foundations of our own existence. Species of plants and animals are extinct, forests are burning, oceans are dying, the world is filled with tons of garbage and scrap, yet humanity still does not understand that we are part of the ecosystem and that our actions also threaten ourselves. The heroes of the films are people fighting to protect the planet, but we also see the ruthlessness of individuals and large corporations interested only in accumulating profit. Thanks to the films, we can see what is happening in different parts of our planet, experience the beauty of nature, both animate and inanimate, and understand that we cannot be indifferent. Our indifference and lack of reaction will lead to an inevitable catastrophe. Even the smallest of our actions can contribute to protecting the world that we call our home. We decided to present the Green Warsaw Award to a film that shows the complexity and fragility of the relationship between humanity and nature. At the same time, the film does not leave us with simple answers. We see nature threatened by people, but also people fighting for survival. People making difficult decisions and navigating life in a ruthless world while trying to maintain their humanity. The story of two friends with different worldviews and approaches is told without preconceived notions and emotional manipulation and leaves us with more questions than answers. Questions that stay with us long after the credits roll and will hopefully help us make better choices.
Other awards granted during the Awards Ceremony in Gdynia:
ETNOMATOGRAF AWARD :“Le spectre de Boko Haram” dir. Cyrielle Raingou |
For the third time at the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Festival, the Department of Ethnography of the National Museum in Gdansk awards the ETNOMATOGRAPH prize for the best film on ethnographic and anthropological themes. Jury consisting of Waldemar Elwart, Urszula Kokoszka, Anna Ratajczak-Krajka and Krystyna Weiher-Sitkiewicz.
Justification: For giving voice to the youngest who often remain unheard, for creating a universal study of humans in a situation of war and for turning the audience's eyes to the spectre of terror and endless cruelty on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. It is a mature and well realised debut film laced with tenderness. The objectivity of the narrative and the director's year’s long presence in the lives of the characters deserve the highest praise.
ALL ABOUT FREEDOM AWARD: “Beyond Utopia” dir. Madeleine Gavin
For the first time, the All About Freedom Festival Award was presented by the European Solidarity Center for the film that most accurately refers to the most current challenges faced by man and contributes to a broad understanding of the value of solidarity.
Justification: For an insightful look at the reality straight from a nightmare of people who dream of improving their lives and escaping from oppression. For a tale of searching for a safe haven, to which each and every one of us has the right. For the courage to take such a risk as accompanying and giving voice to those who will cross any boundary standing between them and freedom. For showing the physical, mental and spiritual costs of fighting to be free from the totalitarian system. By awarding this film, we want to not only distinguish the director, but also to express our admiration for the heroes of the film, whose stories do not let us be indifferent.

Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship Award for the best film on ecology: “Matter Out of Place”, dir. Nikolaus Geyrhalter
During this year's Silesian edition of the 20th MDAG, the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship Award for the best film addressing the themes of ecology, environmental protection and the role of nature in human life was awarded for the first time.vThe sponsor of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship Award for the best film on ecology in the Silesian edition of the 20th MDAG, worth 10,000 PLN, is the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship Jakub Chełstowski.Six documentaries from all over the world were competing for the Award. The Jury, consisting of prof. Andrzej Gwóźdź – film expert, lecturer at the University of Silesia in Katowice, chairman of the Programme Council of the Silesia Film Institution, dr Agnieszka Skorupa – psychologist, lecturer at the University of Silesia in Katowice, specializing in man's relationship with nature, and a representative of the Marshal's Office of the Silesia Voivodeship, will decide which film will receive a distinction.
Justification: The jury recognises the universal theme of the film, successfully balancing between a global and local perspective. The film shows in a balanced way the problem of waste disposal as a meeting pot of technology, culture and social practices. Thanks to the intended lack of dramaturgy, the film creates a meaningful analogy to the aesthetics of everyday life, exploring at the same time the layers of what is unobvious and mysterious. Although various recycling techniques, shown on the case studies of Switzerland, Albania, Nepal, the Maldives and other regions, come to the fore of the film's story, it is also a deeply humanistic tale about the responsibility that rests on all of us living in a global network of ecological connections and conditions. The minimalist aesthetics of the film, combined with the scale of the film’s subject matter, successfully emphasizes the importance of the issue and makes the film “Matter Out of Place” an important voice in the discussion about a clean environment at every latitude and longitude.
Contests that are still going on:
Until the end of the cinema part of the festival, i.e. until May 21, audience voting is still taking place - for the Documentary Award of Warsaw (Audience Award) and the WYBORCZA.PL BIG SCREEN DOC AWARD, the winner of which will be chosen by the viewers in Warsaw, Wrocław, Gdynia and Poznań. The results of these two votes will be announced on May 22. After the online part of the festival, on June 4, the Online Audience Award will be announced, which will go to the most popular film of the second part of the 20th MDAG.
List of all awards granted:
GRAND PRIX - BANK MILLENNIUM AWARD: „Apolonia, Apolonia”, reż. Lea Glob
Special Mention: ,,Innocence’’, dir. Guy Davidi and „Under the Sky of Damascus” by Heba Khaled, Talal Derki and Ali Wajeeh
BEST POLISH FILM AWARD: „In the Rearview”, dir. Maciek Hamela
Special Mention goes to „Polish Prayers”, dir. Hanna Nobis
SMAKJAM AWARD FOR THE BEST PRODUCTION IN A POLISH FILM: „Pianoforte”, dir. Jakub Piątek, producer: Maciej Kubicki
BEST SHORT FILM AWARD: „Budapest Silo”, dir. Zsófia Paczolay, Nora Ananyan
Special mention: „Getting To Know You”, dir. Joanna Krzyżewska
AWARD FOR BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY: “Theatre of Violence”, dir. Łukasz Konopa, Emil Langballe, cinematographer: Kacper Czubak
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL POLAND AWARD: „Seven Winters In Tehran”, dir. Steffi Niederzoll
Special mention: „Total Trust”, dir. Jialing Zhang
FIRST APPEARANCE AWARD: „ Crows Are White” by Ahsen Nadeem.
Special mention to the film: „Leon”, dir. by Wojciech Gostomczyk
CHOPIN’S NOSE AWARD: „Apolonia, Apolonia”, dir. Lea Glob
GREEN WARSAW AWARD: “Against the Tide” dir. by Sarvnik Kaur
Awards granted in Bydgoszcz, Wrocław and Gdynia:
BYDGOSZCZ ART.DOC AWARD: ex aequo “We Will Not Fade Away”, dir. Alisa Kovalenko and “Innocence”, dir. Guy Davidi
Honorary mention of the District Bar Council in Bydgoszcz for the best production dealing with the issue of human rights to a film “Theatre of Violence” by Łukasz Konopka and Emil Langballe
LOWER SILESIA GRAND PRIX (Wrocław): ,,The Hermit of Treig’’, dir. Lizzie MacKenzie
THE MAYOR OF GDYNIA AWARD: ,,Under the Sky of Damascus” directed by Heba Khaled, Talal Derki, Ali Wajeeh
Special Mention goes to „Pianoforte”, dir. Jakub Piątek
ETNOMATOGRAF AWARD (Gdynia): “Le spectre de Boko Haram” dir. Cyrielle Raingou
ALL ABOUT FREEDOM AWARD (Gdynia): “Beyond Utopia” dir. Madeleine Gavin