On the Exploitation of the Protagonist. MDAG debate following the screening of SUBJECT, dir. Jennifer Tiexiera, Camilla Hall

Saturday, May 13 | 4:00 p.m. | Kino Muranów, Zbyszek

On the Exploitation of the Protagonist

MDAG debate following the screening of SUBJECT, dir. Jennifer Tiexiera, Camilla Hall

Once rendered into film, the lives of its protagonists change irrevocably. They are no longer anonymous, and their formerly private space is, as it were, shared with the viewers. What price do they pay for opening up? We’ll discuss it with our guest Margaret Ratliff.

Margie Ratliff is a co-producer and key participant of Subject, where she examines her participation in the 2018 Netflix true-crime documentary, The Staircase. She is currently starting the non-profit, Documentary Participants Empowerment Alliance, to bring mental health, legal, counseling, advocacy, and mentorship resources to past, present, and future documentary participants.


Zuzanna Piechowicz and Armen Mekhakyan