In Search of Fictional Paradises. A meeting following the screening of SHANGRI-LA, PARADISE UNDER CONSTRUCTION, dir. Mirka Duijn, Nina Spiering

Sunday, May 21 |  2:00 p.m. | Kinoteka 7

In Search of Fictional Paradises

A meeting following the screening of  SHANGRI-LA, PARADISE UNDER CONSTRUCTION, dir. Mirka Duijn, Nina Spiering

partner: Przekrój

If paradise did not exist, people would have to invent it. The utopian dream of an ideal world has been around for centuries and has persisted to the present day. There are hundreds of ways to pursue it: from religious sects through ecovillages to entire states (even if only the teeny-weeny ones). What does our desire for utopia signify? Where can we find it, or how can we create it ourselves these days?



Maciej Grzenkowicz – journalist and reporter. Author of the book “Tycipaństwa. Księżniczki, Bitcoiny i kraje wymyślone”.

Urszula Jabłońska – journalist and reporter. Author of the book “Światy wzniesiemy nowe”.


Sylwia Niemczyk – editor-in-chief of “Przekrój”