Discussion: Will Social Media Survive?

Thu., May 16, 12:00 p.m., DCF, screening room Warszawa

Will Social Media Survive?

after the screening of the film THE YOUTUBE EFFECT, dir. Alex Winter

YouTube earned $7.67 billion in the second quarter of 2023, and every country in the world has its ranking of the most watched YouTubers. It is now the second most popular site after Google and has a huge impact on culture and society. What is the phenomenon of this portal and other social media? How do blind people use such platforms predominantly based on visual material? YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok – is there any value behind them, or just our dopamine addiction and desire to be someone important? We will discuss these questions after the screening of the film "The YouTube Effect", which tells not only the story of how YT came into being and how it operates but also the way the platform has changed our lives and thinking. 


Agata Dzikowska – TV journalist with more than 20 years of experience as a reporter and presenter. She currently works as a press officer.

Kacper Sawicki – final-year student of business psychology, co-founder of the HumanTech Wrocław Scientific Circle, dealing with the topic of psychology's love affair with new technologies.

Marek Tankielun – the first blind graduate of the Wrocław University of Technology, a software engineer. In 2017, he was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit for his work on behalf of visually impaired people. Since 2015, he has been taking care of the Assistive Technology Laboratory at Wrocław University of Technology.

Martyna Wilk

PARTNER: Wrocław Centre for Social Development