Artificial Intelligence and Intimacy. A conversation with Paula Skrzypecka

Sun., 12/05 | 3 p.m.| Kino Muza 1

Artificial Intelligence and Intimacy. A conversation with Paula Skrzypecka

after the screening of ANOTHER BODY, dir. Sophie Compton, Reuben Hamlyn

We are witnessing a large-scale blurring of the boundary between self-aware and digital entities. We are interacting with GPT chatbots, we are adopting the behaviour of androids, and our relationships are being shaped by online dating. The documentary by Sophie Compton and Reuben Hamlyn is an invitation to talk about the use of technology, also applied to animated films. The use - in the broader context of challenges, expectations and ethical dimensions - of AI-supported solutions. Adriana Prodeus, artistic director of the Animator International Film Festival, will be the guest of the meeting, not without reason. After all, Artificial Intelligence will be widely discussed during the 17th edition of the Animator Festival, the slogan of which is Artificial Empathy/Artificial Intuition, understood as the relationship between technology and intimacy.


Adriana Prodeus – film and art critic, and book author. She has been associated with the Animator Festival since its first edition as a selector, moderator and guest speaker, as well as host of the awards gala. She lectures at the Art Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She specialises in avant-garde and animated films. Curator of film programmes, selector of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia, and winner of the "Polityka" Passport in the film category. Juror of many festivals. Editor of the “KINO” magazine, columnist for “Vogue”. 


Paula Skrzypecka 

Collaboration: MFFA ANIMATOR