Chopin’s Nose Competition juror

Writer, ecofeminist, cultural studies scholar, activist. In her books and texts (Krytyka Polityczna, Okopress), she addresses topics related to discriminated people, including minorities, with the main focus on people with disabilities. Her first book, "Łebki od Szpilki", tells the story of daughters with disabilities; her second book, "Szpila", is about Poles and the problem of anti-Semitism, racism, and homophobia; her third book, "Heksy", talks about discrimination against women and their burning at stakes in witchcraft trials. The writer treats her books as socio-political-cultural projects, regarding writing books for the sake of reading as anachronistic and inappropriate in a world threatened by climate catastrophe and where genocide is occurring on various grounds, including those of minorities. An all-sentient being in an intensely intimate relationship with being. In June, W.A.B. published her fourth book, "Octopussy i inne opowiadania postporno", in which she addresses the construction of sexuality's new dimensions at the end of the Anthropocene.