director of the film “An Inward Path”

A filmmaker devoted to the creation of documentary films with global reach and relevance. With a focus on truth-seeking, love, solidarity, decency and peace, his projects tend to be political and philosophical. Thematic focus on animal rights, human rights, spirituality, sexuality, mental health, and cognitive liberties. The films are often created in difficult circumstances such as in war zones and in countries with repressive authorities. In one way or another, they all explore the mystery and wonder of existence and the challenges herein. Documentary films with Grude’s involvement include 5 Seasons of Revolution, The New Greatness Case, Code Name Nagasaki, The Mole, ‘Til Kingdom Come, The Secret Lives of Pigs, Inside Fur, Cold Case Hammarskjöld, Raghu Rai – An unframed portrait, Mogadishu Soldier, Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes, Forever Pure, Digital Dissidents, Snow Monkey, The Look of Silence, Love City Jalalabad, Gulabi Gang, The Act of Killing, Back to the Square, Pirate Bay AFK, Farewell Comrades! TV-series, Dance of Outlaws, Pushwagner, Russian Lessons, Discoveries of a Marionette, Yodok Stories, Belarusian Waltz and On a Tightrope.